
Monday, October 26, 2009

October Songs...

Yikes, I can't believe how quickly this month has flown past. I've been swamped in work and have been trying to keep head above water. I'm happy to say that I'm almost done with a first round of edits on a LPI novel that's been haunting me. Khepera Rising is in galleys now and oh, my... I'm still tweaking. Thing is, I'm making progress but I need to be done with that by November 1.

On the news front, Keith Pyeatt interviewed me the other day, and the blog is up at:

So, do drop by and say "hoesit, my broer". Oh, and you'll get to read about my penguin-wrangling days.

More news is that I've just accepted a big editing job from a fellow South African fantasy author, whose first novel can be considered a bestseller for our country. This job will take a long, long time to complete, since the MS is a whopper. But hats off to the man. He's a good writer and I hope to share further news once things are more concrete.

And without further ado... I must go catch my tail.

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