
Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday, March 25 link round-up

One of my resolutions has been to blog more often, in fact, every day if I can, and if I have some sort of pearl of wisdom to share. I don’t just blog here but have a number of other spots where I put word out, so I thought I’d give a round-up of some of my latest news and give a little bit of skinny on the side.

Sandra Sookoo is one of the electronically published authors I have a huge amount of respect for. Not only is she very much a family orientated, but she is prolific and diverse in her writing. I know that whenever I pick up one of her novels I’m in for a wonderful story, because she really tells the kind of story that makes you happy afterward. This past weekend I interviewed her Toad’s Corner and we chatted about her SF romance, Damaged Cargo:

When one of my PR contacts asked me whether I’d love to interview Imogen Heap, I said yes. This talented lady performed in South Africa for the first time recently and she graciously answered a few questions and told me what she loved about my country. The story was first published in the Weekend Argus Travel2011 supplement and is now available on ioltravel:

It’s always good for me to take a step back and see what I’m busy with in my personal work queue. This is where I scare myself half to death:

Yes, I know I’m still unagented and I’m still on the prowl looking for that one literary agent who loves my writing as much as some of my readers are now fangrrrls. Even with all the changes in the industry, agents are still necessary:

Of course I’m going to plug my Facebook author fan page:

And I’m still singing happy release day for The Namaqualand Book of the Dead:

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