
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

On my desk... December 11

These two landed on my desk this morning and I'm looking forward to cracking them open. Am currently reading The Emerald Atlas by John Stephens, Mark of the Gladiator by Heidi Belleau and Violetta Vane, Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence, and The Pirate Queen Queen Elizabeth I, Her Pirate Adventurers, and the Dawn of Empire by Susan Ronald.

Edit: Oh, I forgot to add that I'm also FINALLY getting round to reading The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Yes. Shake your head. I really don't care. 

Yes. I know I suffer from OH LOOK BRIGHT-SHINY...

Authors and publishers are more than welcome to approach me to do book reviews (email I post to Amazon, Goodreads and run reviews here on my blog. Occasionally I will review for the Pretoria News, The Star and Cape Argus.

I'm more than happy to conduct author interviews or host you on my blog if you have a new release if your book piques my interest. Preferred genres are fantasy (dark and urban), horror and science fiction, though I do occasionally roam into the realms of erotica and paranormal romance.

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