Who are the main characters people will encounter? Can you tell us a little about the challenges they will encounter?
The story is about a girl called Gia and her family. Gia is sixteen years old, and she's at that stage where she's enough of an adult to chafe at her parents' restrictions, but still not quite ready to stand on her own in the scary world out there. As the story starts, the family business has fallen on hard times, and they've moved into a distinctly working class neighbourhood. This means that Gia is seeing another side of life, one that was hidden from her before. In particular, she's seeing the magicals – the trolls, fairies, werewolves and other creatures who live among humans in this version of South Africa. As she explores this new world, she accidentally sets off a train of events that puts her little brother Nico in danger.
What were some of the challenges with the story that you encountered, and how did you overcome them?

Was there a particular scene that is one of your favourites? Then, to flip the coin, was there a scene that you struggled with?
I think my favourite scene is the one where Gia's mother, Saraswati, comes to have a late-night chat with Gia, and gives her a belated birthday present. At that stage in the story the two of them are not getting on very well, and they both need to find a better way back towards one another. Saraswati tells Gia how she felt the very first time she saw her (Gia was adopted), and Gia starts to realise how life must seem from her mother's point of view – something she's not been very good at doing up to that point. For me, the heart of this book is Gia's relationship with her mother. In some ways, Saraswati is the real heroine, and the book is about Gia discovering her mother's story.

You've got a few other titles out. Can you tell us a bit more about your other works?
My other books are a two-book series The Story Trap and The Broken Path. Like Crooks and Straights, they are urban fantasy books set here in Cape Town, and, like Crooks and Straights, they are both illustrated by me. The Story Trap is about a girl, Rebecca, who goes into an unexplained coma. Her sisters discover that the coma is the result of a witch's spell, and the book is about their attempts to bring Rebecca back. In The Broken Path, Rebecca has recovered, but she longs to be back in the magical world that she inhabited while she was in the coma. All of this is mixed up with a witch who is willing to do just about anything to save the ocean from humanity's pollution.
What aspects of your home town do you find inform your writing?
I'm heavily influenced by my surroundings. I write about magical creatures and impossible situations, but I love making them seem normal and real by setting them in the places I see every day – like Cape Town station, or the Civic Centre, or Main Road Woodstock. This has the effect of giving me a sort of double vision wherever I go, as I "remember" the story events that played out all over my version of Cape Town.
Can you tell us a bit more about your literary influences?

Getting back to Crooks and Straights, you've left the story at a bit of a cliffie, which suggests there's more to come. Are you able to tell us more at this point?
Oh yes indeed! I worried about that quite a bit, but in the end, decided that I could not fit the entire story into a single book. I've already started on the sequel and am having a lot of fun with it. Quite a few werewolves in this story, and the sea is important too – I'm figuring out a new angle on mermaids. It helps that I've just started doing volunteer work at the Two Oceans Aquarium. Lots of source material there.
And now, for the question. Masha wants to know:
Is there a magical creature that doesn't often get featured in books, that you would like to read more about? Tell me about it! Email Masha at masha.dutoit@gmail.com.
Kindle versions on Amazon.com, Kindle versions on Amazon.co.uk, online first chapter.
My "books" site with info on all my books is here and my Google+ profile.
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