This week's very much been a case of 'butt on chair, fingers on the keyboard', and to an extent, I've been able to block out the awfulness of the world at large by focusing on work. It's not always easy, but rather concerning myself with the aspects of my life I have direct control over is better for my long-term mental health. I admit that I'm very lucky to be in the position that I am – working from home, doing work that I'm passionate about – whether it's designing printed assets for a large, multinational pet food company or editing a Daddy Dom book. My life is a far cry from what it was in the run-up to 2015, where I was depressed as all heck and stuck in a career in newspaper publishing that was fast going down the tubes. Life isn't boring. Also, I don't have a toxic work environment.
So, I was super anxious about my book launch at the V&A Waterfront Exclusive Books last week. As it turns out, I had nothing to worry about. It was AWESOME. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to making the event successful. And there were OREO CUPCAKES.
But seriously, if you're yet to pick up a copy, hie yourself down to your nearest branch of Exclusive Books or Wordsworth, and if they don't have a copy of The Company of Birds, order it. For too many years my South African readers have complained that it's been so difficult to get my books in print in South Africa, and that's all set to change as I'm now focusing rather on my local readers.
With the world socio-economic situation being well [gestures vaguely around her] and with paper and fuel prices being horrific, it makes sense to focus on being sustainable and keeping it local. Late-stage capitalism has basically broken this planet. But anyhoo, let this not turn into a frothing rant.
As an author, I'm in a really happy place right now. I've got the long-term ghost-writing project that is helping to keep the lights on, and I've got multiple other projects on the boil. My editing income is steady, and I've enjoyable QA and alt-text writing work from a big publisher in the UK. Nerine in 2015 could only dream of what Nerine in 2025 is doing.
And on to Egyptian stuff...
So, The Egyptian Society of South Africa has its next meeting happening at the end of the month.
In 1798 Napoleon launched a military expedition to Egypt, leaving France with 335 ships, the French army and 167 scholars that included many engineers, writers, artists, linguists, scientists and mathematicians. Although the expedition was a military disaster, with Nelson having destroyed the fleet, it revealed the splendour of a forgotten civilisation and gave birth to Egyptology.
This is just a taster of the lecture "Napoleon and Ancient Egypt" offered by Peter Loyson on March 25, at 7.30pm at the St George's Grammar School, Richmond Road, Mowbray. Parking is available on the premises. Free for members of TESSA, Visitors pay R30. Refreshments R10.
I've really enjoyed being an active member of TESSA again because oh my goodness, the library is just brimming with books that are giving me all the joy. Plus I get to hang out with people who are just as passionate about ancient Near Eastern history as I am.
How do I become a better writer?
The other day on Threads I encountered a heartbreaking post from a writer who'd had a bad review. They'd been told that the idea behind the story was great but that the writing could have been better. They were at a loss at where to start. Now, the advice I give to anyone who wants to take their craft seriously, is that all good writers are, first and foremost, rabid readers.
And I don't just mean reading in the genre that you want to write – I mean reading all sorts of books, be they the most recent TikTok sensation, a classic, a crime novel, something non-fiction ... A good author is conversant with more than their chosen genre. They have a good sense of style. They choose words not only for meaning but also for how they'll sound. And to this, I also advise you to read and listen to poetry, and to listen to audiobooks narrated by gifted human voice artists.
And then the hardest part: put what inspires you in others writing into practice. Be kind to yourself if you feel that you fall short. Get to understand what areas of your writing need improvement and be aware of them when you write new pieces so that you don't keep breathing life into the same gremlins over and over again.
A good writer is someone who is constantly evolving and reinventing themselves. I look back at my earlier writing and I often wonder what on earth I was thinking when I did certain things – things I'd certainly never do now. And I'd like to think that I am a better writer for having made all those happy accidents.
If you're looking to embark on a career as a writer and don't know where to start, I do offer affordable, one-on-one coaching. Drop me an email at, and let's chat.
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