Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m a huge reader, so any type of book, any genre works for me. I love a great mystery, epic love story, classics and even the occasional biography. For a long time, I’d read ten works of fiction then force myself to read a biography (you know – to broaden my horizons). The first book I read that made a huge impact on my perception of the world of words was Little Women. It remains a favorite even today.
Tell us a little bit about your book?
Exposed To Passion is the third book in the Five Senses Series. I’ve based this novel on the sense of sight. My heroine, Rikki Salerno is a photographer who curates a traveling art exhibit. After she is knocked into a salt marsh by a student, high school teacher, Sam Kerrigan leaps to her rescue. She ends up helping with his photography club and getting to know Sam a whole lot better.
Why do you love your characters so much?
I’ve loved Sam’s sense of humor since he first appeared in Cooking Up Love, then again in Hearts In Harmony. He’s the kind of teacher every student should have. A real champion. Rikki is messy and passionate, but unafraid to help a student face down bullies. Together, the two are magic.
What challenges do they face?
Sam despises liars because of an experience from his own days in high school. So when Rikki lies by omission, Sam is beyond angry. Rikki’s dealt with bullies as a young girl and hates that one of Sam’s students faces the same situation. And to keep things interesting, the villainess of the book is a woman who was a bully herself and hasn’t really outgrown the tendency. She exposes Rikki and Sam’s intimate moments, and Rikki’s secret in one fell swoop.
Who'll enjoy reading this book?
A reader who loves a heroine or heroine who is willing to champion the underdog, or wants to see the characters get their happily ever-after would enjoy this book.
They walked through the shadows individually. Will they emerge into the light together?
Leading a vagabond life as a curator for a traveling photography exhibit translates to a lot of bad days for Rikki Salerno. But her trouble doubles when a careless high school student shoves her into a marsh. Being rescued by teacher Sam Kerrigan should have made things better, but Rikki’s inability to confess her true identity casts a shadow over their budding affair.
When Sam refuses an overly aggressive parent’s marriage proposal, she’s determined to ruin him. Not only does she doctor photos to make it look like Sam’s behaved inappropriately in front of students, she hacks the foundation website to reveal Rikki’s true identity. Faster than the blink of a shutter, Rikki’s focus changes from pursuing her full-color future to the black and white necessity of clearing Sam’s name.
Sam’s attention wandered yet again off the homework papers he was supposed to be correcting. The universal law of gravitation wasn’t nearly as riveting as the memory of Rikki Salerno wearing a purple jacket and tight running shorts in the early morning sunlight. He’d resisted the urge to wrap her in his arms when he’d run up on her in the park that morning. A fiery halo had lit her hair, glints of red winking in her messy ponytail. The sight of her when she turned back toward town and ran ahead of him! He’d have been happy to follow her for all twenty-six miles of a marathon. But, his need to talk to her overruled his desire to watch her spectacular behind, so he’d quickened his pace to catch her.
Rikki had tensed when he’d started ranting about Marguerite Sims. Without knowing how, he’d made her angry again. He didn’t understand it, but she seemed defensive when he’d made disparaging remarks about her boss. He was going to have to watch his comments about the pampered princess when he was around Rikki.
And, if wishes did come true, there would be a whole lot of around Rikki time. Her image in his mind’s eye—exotic, interesting, and intriguing, all wrapped up in one sexy package…. He fidgeted in his hard teacher’s chair, suddenly uncomfortable with the tightness of his khakis. Thank God, there weren’t any students in the room. That’d be a hell of a thing to explain to a bunch of horny teens.
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About the Author:

After returning to America, she spent a number of years as a copywriter, dedicating her skills to making insurance and the agents who sell them sound sexy. Eventually, her full-time job as a writer interfered with her desire to be a writer full-time and she left the world of financial products behind to pursue an avocation as a romance author.
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Also By Gemma Brocato:
Cooking Up Love
Hearts In Harmony