The give-away for the two ecopies is open to anyone anywhere in the world, to the first three entrants, but what you'll need to do is answer a question based on an excerpt from Khepera Rising below, which will appear at the bottom of this post. Then email me the answer at (remember to put "Secret Santa" in the subject line).
* * * *
An excerpt from Khepera Rising, where Jamie's being a complete arse-hat, in my opinion.

The venue is a hole. It used to be a sports bar in the late nineties until the Goths took over. They painted the old Victorian structure with its gables and small round tower black with purple highlights. It hulks on the corner of Shortmarket and Long. Outside on any given day, one can find the choppers and Harleys of Lilith’s Dogs, the resident motorcycle club. During the afternoons, students from the assorted colleges hunch over trestle tables, indulging their penchant for bitter weed and draught beer. The walls inside have been painted purple and are plastered with posters depicting Gothdom’s musical heritage where floor-to-ceiling mirrors don’t reflect the faces of the children of the night. Black-and-white faces with teased hair stare with empty eyes. Magical names, like Bauhaus, The Cure, Sisters of Mercy and others, act like talismans, triggering memories for those old enough to remember the bad old days.
Tonight the place already seethes with a press of black-clad bodies. I search faces for someone I know, not knowing exactly whom I’m seeking. A girl looks up from the dance floor and turns my way. She seems familiar. She wears her hair coiled in two tight buns on either side of her head, making me think of a certain Lucasfilm character. I smile. Should I? She couldn’t be older than fifteen. What on earth was Pierre thinking, letting her in?
I don’t catch her name because the music is too loud. As it turns out, she’s eighteen. By then I’ve already changed my mind. We make connections and I figure out she has just discovered Goth and Wicca all in one month. To make matters worse, Katie, one of my adoring kindergoths, seems to have told her more about me than I’d care to have shared in the first place.
She gushes on about how she’s so ecstatic about a course on witchcraft she’s going to do and that Katie said that she could ask me “stuff”. She’ll probably show up at the shop at some point within the next week, adding to my usual gaggle. Some of her questions I answer in what I hope is a polite fashion, but I am just a little concerned when she lets spill how the high priestess of her soon-to-be coven was involved in a hit-and-run accident earlier this week. This so-called “high-priestess” is none other than Mariaan Coetzee, an old—how shall I say it?—acquaintance of mine. Currently she’s going by the name of Gisela Silvermoon and has pretensions of Wiccan grandeur while passing herself off as the local media darling for pagans. The news of her accident shocks me.
On and on the little twit prattles. Her blond roots are showing and she mistakes my smile for genuine interest. Her body is soft. Puppy fat. She probably hasn’t even smoked marijuana, let alone schnarffed a line of coke before. The nose candy is oh-so-trendy for the Goth girls who depart for the bathrooms in little groups of twos or threes. Once I must have been like this, brave, plunging headlong into the subculture.
After buying her another drink, I move away upstairs to a dark niche on the balcony while she goes to check on her makeup. It will be a while before she figures out where I’ve gone.
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So the question is, what's the club called where Jamie likes to hang out? Email me the answer at (remember to put "Secret Santa" in the subject line).
Hi there! My name's Michael and I am a soon to be published author myself. I really liked your except, and the feel of your blog. I was curious; do you consider your works dark fantasy or horror? The reason I am asking is because my first novel is horror, but it is the first in a trilogy. Do you, in your personal opinion, believe horror can be effective when using multiple volumes like that? Or should a horror novelist strive to make each story a standalone, as to really drive the sense of dread and impending doom home to the reader. I hope this isn't an annoying post. I just started blogging and it is a new experience for me. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
ReplyDeleteI followed!
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays,
mslasha at gmail dot com
Sent the email :)
ReplyDeleteGFC: Cassandra Hicks
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Michael, to be honest, I just write the story as it comes to me. I've had some tell me I write horror, others say urban fantasy. Some say dark fantasy. Of late I've had the occult thriller label applied too. Generally, when submitting to publishers, I'll shop using the label that best describes in general terms... so urban fantasy is possibly the best catch-all. One can always split hairs later. The short answer: don't worry what the genre is until you're ready to start submitting to agents and publishers. Just write the damn thing. [smiles]
ReplyDeleteLilith’s Dogs.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your post and really like the artwork for your book cover. I love book covers!!
I'm following your blog, too
Merry Christmas!
kmnbooks at yahoo dot com
Event Horizon is his hangout.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!
puppy fat..had me busting up, lol I like what you have written it's not typical and I love that.I hope your holidays are full of memories.I am going to follow you.
ReplyDeleteWas alittle confusing because you mention motorcycle club too, but it the Event Horizon
Hi folks, if you want to enter the competition for the books, email me your answers, hey? ;-)
ReplyDeletei dont think he was rude its hard to tell someone you dont like them like that or dont want to talk to them just slipping away is better
ReplyDeletegfc kimberly
kaholgate at ymail dot com
Kimberley, some of Jamie's behaviour does become a bit questionable... LOL. Folks either love him or hate him, but most want to slap him upside the head at some point!
ReplyDeleteInteresting world-building here! Thanks for locking up that Grinch for this blog hop!
ReplyDeleteI sent email.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great hop. I follow on gfc-magic5905
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
Hello, thanks for the giveaway! The answer is Event Horizon.
Event Horizon (I, but this one is for the copy)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for joining the hop and the wonderful looking books!!
I follow GFC - brbalways
The Event Horizon is the club. Happy Holidays to you and your family!!
Hi, just stopping by on this great Blog hop. Love the cover of 'Khepera' rising!
ReplyDeleteHappy Christmas to you and yours.
Oooh - thanks for letting me know about the blog hop Nerine. Awesome to be exposed to so many authors. The exerpt from Khepera Rising is soooooo familiar *coughPurpleTurtlecough* - would love to read the full thing.
ReplyDeleteEvent Horizon
ReplyDeletefabulous blog!
I emailed you. I hope your Grinch gets out after the holidays.
seawitchreviews at
Thank you for the fantastic response to this blog hop! I'll definitely see about sending my Grinch on holiday at the end of next year again!
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome hop!! And a fantastic giveaway! Thank you!! Great excerpt! This sounds great! You have my attention! :) And i sent an email. :) Happy holidays to you all! Best wishes and many blessings!
ReplyDeleteGFC: shadow_kohler
Emailed ya
I'm part of the hop, but wanted to stop in and say, hi! Great blogs, I'm having a blast learning about everyone. Btw, your cover is as amazing as your writing.
ReplyDeleteThe Event Horizon is where Jamie likes to hang out.
ReplyDeletedrainbamaged.gyzmo at