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Everyone loves a bargain! The folks at Dark Continents Publishing know this, and they’ve made sure there are bargains for everyone, thanks to Drive Thru Fiction.
At Drive Thru Fiction , readers can select many of the titles Dark Continents has become known for, including dark fiction (Inkarna, by Nerine Dorman), humorous romance (Double Double Love & Trouble, by Sylvia Shults), short story collections (Phobophobia, edited by Dean Drinkel), and nonfiction (Fractured Spirits: Hauntings at the Peoria State Hospital, by Sylvia Shults). Now, there’s a special creepy treat in store for lovers of great fiction – and Halloween is still months away.

The good folks at Dark Continents have put together several bundles of fiction, for those who want to get the most bang for their reading bucks. There’s the Surreal Sisters of Horror collection, the Best of British Novels group, and the Horror Down Under stories. Fans of shambling zombie action won’t want to miss the Snareville Twin Pack (Snareville and Snareville 2: Circles, by David M. Youngquist). Catch up on these five-star stories before the third novel in the series is released. And who could resist the Horror Novella Mega Bundle – five terrifying gems for one low price. Other collections include the Inkarna Bonus Pack, the Short Story Bonanza, and the Best of 2012 Three-Pack. Many of these titles are part of the short fiction series Tales of Darkness and Dismay, a specialty of Dark Continents. These novellas are bite-sized bits of lovely unsettling fiction.Visit www.drivethrufiction.com for full details, low prices, and all the titles on offer from Dark Continents authors.
For more information about:
Dark Continents, contact Sylvia Shults, Publicity Director at Dark Continents Publishing, at sylvias@darkcontinents.com
Tales of Darkness and Dismay, contact Nerine Dorman, at nerinedorman@gmail.com
About Dark Continents Publishing: Dark Continents Publishing is an author-owned, author-driven corporation working to entrepreneur today’s publishing opportunities and model tomorrow’s writing business. Our intent is to provide a forum for cooperation: authors helping authors. A defining distinction of Dark Continents lies in its cooperative business structure, under which authors come together as equals to produce, publish and promote their works for mutual business gain. Visit Dark Continents on the Web at www.darkcontinents.com.
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